laravel phpword

PHPWord is a library written in PHP that create word documents. No Windows operating system is needed for usage because the result are docx files (Office Open XML) that can be opened by all major office software

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If you need to use PHP to create and interact with Microsoft's Excel spreadsheet app, then using PHPExcel is a good way to go. PHPExcel is a library that has been written in PHP and has a com...

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  • In this post, we going to see how to generate word doc and docx file using phpword package...
    Generate a Word Document using phpWord in laravel - Learn Infinity ...
  • PHPWord is a library written in PHP that create word documents. No Windows operating syste...
    GitHub - guiguidoclaravel-phpword: The PHPWord Laravel bund ...
  • 2013年2月28日 - The PHPWord Laravel bundle. Contribute to laravel-phpword development by cre...
    GitHub - guiguidoclaravel-phpword: The PHPWord Laravel bundle
  • PHPWord · Latest Stable Version Build Status Code Quality Code Coverage ...
    GitHub - PHPOfficePHPWord: A pure PHP library for reading and ...
  • hello friends how can I export to Word mgsmus replied 3 years ago If you need basic stuff,...
    how can I export to Word |
  • Hey All , Hope you are doing well. Can anyone tell me how can i read word document from la...
    How to Read Word Document Using Laravel with Phpword - Laracasts
  • Hey All , Hope you are doing well. Can anyone tell me how can i read word document from la...
    How to Read Word Document Using Laravel with Phpword ...
  • laravel generate docx file, laravel phpword example, phpoffice phpword laravel 5, laravel ...
    Laravel 5 create word document file using phpofficephpword ...
  • 2017年7月21日 - laravel generate docx file, laravel phpword example, phpoffice phpword larav...
    Laravel 5 create word document file using phpofficephpword package
  • laravel-phpword - The PHPWord Laravel bundle ... Switch branches/tags
    laravel-phpwordPHPWord.php at master · guiguidoclaravel-ph ...
  • 2017年3月31日 - 前言?如果要优雅的使用php去开发web,那一定要学习composer包管理工具,Composer 不是一个包管理器。是的,它涉及"packa...
    laravel中使用phpword和phpexcel - Xu senlin's Personal blog
  • 工作中常常会遇到数据导出功能,比如把数据导出成word.docx文档。那么用Laravel如何实现呢。 今天给大家介绍一下phpword的使用,它可以很方便的实现word文档的生成...
    Laravel生成Word文档 - phpword - 一个能在开发工作中,让你懒出 ...
  • 2016年12月16日 - 那么用Laravel如何实现呢。 今天给大家介绍一下phpword的使用,它可以很方便的实现word文档的生成,同时可以在word中添加表格、目录、图...
    Laravel生成Word文档- phpword - 懒人开发网
  • need help with this I followed instruction to install PhpWord in laravel 5.0 but with that...
    php - Laravel PhpWord class not found - Stack Overflow
  • 2015年7月25日 - PHPWord is on Packagist, so installing it on Laravel is as easy as: composer...
    php - PHPWord in Laravel 5 - Stack Overflow
  • I'm using PHPOffice/PHPWord, and I have a MySQL Database with a table named trials. It...
    php - PHPWord: Insert page break and set margin and page ...
  • 2016年7月31日 - PHPWord - A pure PHP library for reading and writing word processing documen...
    phpofficephpword - Packagist
  • With PHPWord you can easily create a Word document with PHP. PHPWord creates docx Files th...
    PHPWord - Home
  • How to work with PHPWord and LaravelExcel in Laravel 5.1 framework? PHPWord unable to load...
    PHPWord by PHPOffice